Hunters Hill - Too Busy To Declutter
The family: a family of four, Mum and Dad are management consultants doing amazing work for some of Australia’s top companies.
The brief: The family moved in 18 months ago didn’t fully declutter prior to the move and hadn’t had time to organise the house properly since they moved in. Day to day life was feeling a bit overwhelming, keeping on top of tidying and cleaning as things didn’t have a defined home. They also needed advice on the design of storage systems and general home styling. The project was completed in several phases.
The solution: All rooms in the house decluttered, including wardrobes and home office administration. Defined zones created for categories to make tidying up easier for everyone in the family. Interior plan created for master bedroom with colour scheme and furniture solutions. Design support given for new built-in storage in multi use office/play room and also hallway.
The feedback: “Lisa at My Curated Life has been helping declutter and organise my home. From brilliant storage ideas to simple yet effective ways to remove clutter, I am constantly amazed at what a different it is making to me and my young family. I have always found it hard to let things go. Lisa has really helped me to look at things objectively and reconsider what I am hanging onto because I really love it and what I was hanging onto just ‘because’. My bedroom now has a totally new feel to it. On Lisa’s advice we invested in a new storage bed, repainted some furniture to be more in keeping with the colour scheme and she has completely decluttered and organised our personal effects and belongings so that the room is tidy, organised and beautiful, it’s now my haven!
In particular I am loving a wardrobe that is now made up just with the clothes that I truly love, with colours that suit me and that fit me. It makes making choices so much easier. I am still reaping the benefits from the investment as it has really put me on a different path in terms of what I buy, what I keep and how I organise things. I couldn’t recommend her services highly enough”.
Being too busy to declutter is a modern day problem……
Lives are just so busy these days, with two parents working and childrens’ schedule to keep on top of, decluttering is often at the bottom of a very long list. When the excess is not cleared out regularly it’s amazing how it builds up. Your perception of the amount of storage you have in your home also becomes distorted with many people deciding to move house for extra storage. When you work through all areas of your home, removing the things that you don’t use it can transform your home making it feel spacious and organised. This is why an investment in decluttering can save you thousands of dollars!