Negotiating Your Worth (at work and home)
In this interview, I chatted with negotiation expert Glin Bayley, about negotiating your worth at home and work.
Glin believes any negotiation whether it be for a salary increase or negotiating with your partner about the chores in your home starts with valuing yourself.
Mind, Body Clutter with Deb Sarah
In this interview, I chat with Deb Sarah, a mind-body therapist about the mind-body connection, body image and building resilience.
Poor body image can lead to clutter building up in your mind with negative unhelpful thoughts. But also manifests in your home, when you are constantly buying things that you think are going to help you look and feel better.
Alex James: On Head, Heart & Home
In this interview, I was delighted to chat with Alex James, a global professional leadership coach. Alex works with leaders of multi-billion dollar businesses and has worked with many people worldwide to help them become more impactful and transform how they think and feel.
Linh Podetti: On How Outsourcing Led to Success
Linh Podetti is the Queen of Outsourcing. Founder of Outsourcing Angel, a business providing support to small businesses.
But part of her success was learning to outsource in her home. The chores that she didn’t enjoy or have time for, like cleaning, decluttering and home organising.
Helping Children Who Struggle With Clutter
When does a messy bedroom become a clutter issue? How can you successfully declutter with your children and what is the benefit of doing so in the long run?
Staying Organised as a C-suite Mum
Making it to the top of the corporate world as a mother is no mean feat. Superhuman, you might think. It requires determination, an ablity to be super organised and clarity on what’s important in life.
Melanie Fitzpatrick is one such woman. A global executive with diverse experience, her 27-year international career has spanned strategy, marketing, talent, digital transformation & M&A across various countries.
From Overwhelmed To Fulfilled
Raising kids, tweens and teens whilst working full-time or running your own business can be overwhelming. Someone who knows all about this is Emma Lagerlow, a life coach, founder of business Mummaste and mum to 4 tweens and teens.
A Minimalist Life
We recently interviewed Melbourne based career coach, Emmy Petersson, a self-confessed minimalist. We were intrigued by what led her down this path and the impact it has on her day to day life.
Welcome to the team Cath Buxton
I’m delighted to introduce Cath Buxton who joins My Curated Life as my business partner and Co-Chief Curator. Teamwork is dreamwork!
Top 10 Pantry Organisation Ideas
Looking for pantry organisation ideas to help you get a handle on your own messy pantry? Our Top 10 Pantry Organisation Ideas list will help!
Decluttering Sentimental Items
Decluttering sentimental items is not easy. In this blog, we delve into why people struggle and what you should take into consideration before you get started.
A Curated Home
Interior design goes hand in hand with good organisation when it comes to creating a curated home that you love.
In this blog, I was so delighted to interview an inspiring friend of mine Mollie Kohn, owner of Mollie Kohn interiors about what it takes to create a home of your dreams.
A Clutter-Free Christmas
Do you love Christmas, but also dread it? All the extra work that you need to do, the planning, the shopping, the organising. It’s exhausting. Christmas can also be a clutter building event, leaving you dealing with the after effect for years to come. Is it even possible to have a clutter-free Christmas?
Seaforth - Pantry Storage and Organisation Project
When you are a busy executive and mother, you have choices to make about how you want to spend your precious spare time.
Finding the time and the headspace to properly organise your home is a real challenge. That's where we can help, over a few days we whipped this home in Seaforth into shape, organising the pantry, kitchen, laundry room and lounge room.
Moving House - Summer Hill
We were engaged last year to declutter this family’s home, so when they decided to move house, they got in touch to ask if we could help them get set up and organised in their new place.
Balmain Home Organising
It’s much easier to have an organised home and life when it’s clutter-free, and you only keep what you need and love. But decluttering is just the first step in creating an organised home.
When Life Gets Cluttered
What do you think of when you hear the word ‘Clutter’?
Piles of clothes on the floor? Kitchen tops overflowing? Cupboards stuffed full of random things? The 'hoarder' house at the end of the street? In today’s world, clutter is far broader than simply the physical junk you have in your home. It manifests in many different areas of your life;
Achieving an uncluttered life; a marathon, not a sprint
We've been conditioned to live a life of more, often creating the life that we think we should be living rather than the life we want to live. Leaving many feeling overwhelmed and unfulfilled. More and more people are making the shift to a life with less. Less but better.
Why is my house so messy?
Do you feel like your house is always messy? Do you beat yourself up about your lack of organisation? Well perhaps its not your lack of organisation that is the real cause of the problem.
The 'invisible load' and why it's time to quit your role as the household manager
If we want to change the dynamics of our homes and workplaces to ones which are more equally balanced, where men take more of their share of the load, we need to change what goes on at home. This is achievable through healthy family dialogue, understanding the facts and putting in place steps to make a change. Supporting this change with a decluttered and organised home is also key.