Moving House: A New Beginning

Moving house is well known to be one of life’s most stressful events, it also brings with it the opportunity to make changes that improve how you feel in your home and save you time.

Moving house represents a big change in your life, perhaps you are moving in with a partner, getting divorced or moving cities for a new job. It’s not uncommon for people to view the process of moving house as a major headache, buying and selling houses, packing and unpacking and of course the mountains of adminstration that need to be done.

It can also be an extremely emotional process, saying goodbye to neighbours and friends or an old life that will never be the same again.

There is also the excitement, maybe you are moving to your dream house or are looking forward to new experiences and friendships.

The process of packing and unpacking all the items in your home gives you the opportunity to change your relationship with your things, declutter your life and set yourself up with more structure and better organisation.

Most people know that decluttering their home prior to sale is a good idea, but don’t plan enough time for it, find it too overwhelming or follow the advice of real estate agents to just pack up the excess and stick it in a storage unit. They may even enjoy the feeling of living in their newly decluttered and staged property for several weeks as the property is marketed for sale, wondering why they are selling up after all.

Going through a structured process to declutter everything prior to moving house can have significant monetary benefits:

  • You may not have to pay for that additional storage unit

  • You may not actually need to pay for an Interior Designer to stage your property for you, sometimes it’s hard for you to see the possibilities when your home is cluttered and disorganised.

  • You may add value to your sale price (if people open your cupboards and see clutter they can assume that there is not enough storage, devaluing your home).

  • You may be able to reduce your removal costs.

  • You may save yourself the cost of installing additional storage in your new property.

Moving to a new house with only the things you use and that you like and optimising the organisation can have significant benefits:

  • You’ll avoid that horrible feeling of cramming lots of clutter into your new home and feeling you’ve got a big ‘to-do’ list of sorting out to do.

  • Family life will flow as you find the right ‘homes’ for your things and create a structure that everyone understands.

  • Your new home will feel spacious and relaxing.

  • You’ll be able to focus on the aesthetics of your home, the soft furnishings, the lighting, new furniture etc, the ‘fun stuff’ highlighting those things you love!

  • Your kids (if you have them) will feel settled quickly as the home starts to function well and they know where their ‘stuff ’is.

  • You’ll save yourself time and money, knowing where things are and not buying duplicates. You may also value the things you have more highly and spend less in the future.

This can be life changing, reducing stress levels and freeing up headspace for more enjoyable things, if you are planning to move soon make sure you assign enough time to this valuable activity or if you don’t have the time or the headspace get someone in to help you, I promise, YOU WON’T REGRET IT!