25 Signs You Need to Declutter Your Home (and Life)

Clutter is anything that’s distracting you from being the best version of you. Here are some of the signs it’s time to make a change in your life.

  1. You can’t concentrate for more than a few minutes without getting distracted.

  2. You often say ‘yes’ to things but deep down you want to say ‘no!’.

  3. You are stuck in a loop of thankless tasks.

  4. You are always 15 mins behind schedule.

  5. A bulging wardrobe of clothes but nothing to wear.

  6. Always hearing yourself nagging at the family to tidy up.

  7. ‘Stuff’ on the floor in your home that’s not furniture or homewares.

  8. Never enough time to do the FUN things in life.

  9. Home just doesn’t feel relaxing.

  10. You shop to lift your mood and regularly buy things from social media marketing you don't need or even want.

  11. Your home has no more storage space.

  12. You rent a storage unit.

  13. Your house never feels properly clean even though you have a cleaner.

  14. You've attempted to declutter and failed.

  15. Your bills get paid late and you have a pile of unopened letters.

  16. Your things are disorganised, you don’t know where they belong and frequently buy duplicates because you can’t find them.

  17. You worry about having people over in case they judge you, spending hours tidying up beforehand.

  18. You struggle to get rid of things even though you don't use them.

  19. You go to other peoples’ homes and wonder how they’re so tidy?

  20. You have clothes from years ago that even if they still fit, you don’t wear. 

  21. When things start to overflow you just buy more containers to put them in.

  22. You plan to fix or pass things on but never get round to it.

  23. You have no idea when the next council clean up day is.

  24. You often accept 2nd hand things from other people and then end up not using them.

  25. Having read this list you recognise that many of these things apply to you.

Recognising that you need to change something in your life is a big first step. The benefits of decluttering and organising your home can be so beneficial for both your physical and mental wellbeing.